Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I just wanted to say a big:


To the few that read my story blog.

It was fun using us as characters in the story, of coarse it is easier to write about people you know. But it was just a story so don't read to much into any thing I said or done or what happen to the family in the story. It was just that; a story.
But I would suggest you take serious some of the things I found as I researched this story, all the hyperlinks to stuff that is happening right now, today.
It is our world, we have to take care of it, so keep your eyes open and your mind sharp.

Thanks again for reading and if you have not read it and would like to....


then follow the "Go To's" until it leads you back here and then you will have read the whole story.

See ya bye


P.S. if you have finished the story, please leave a comment and let me know what you think. If its a good comment...Great, if not, I don't care!

1 comment:

  1. Great story!! Very creative and original. I learned more about things that are going on now in the world from reading this blog than listening to the news. Written by a very intelligent and creative man. Thanks for the great story!!
