When your the outsider coming into a family by marriage the first hurtle you have to over come is what will I call the “in laws”. I never had that problem and I can’t explain it to you except from the moment I walked into the lives of my future wives family I was made to fee

The call to a girl’s house was always very stressful for me, because if you were unlucky (as I often was) the parents would answer. And you’d have to hear the tone on the other end as you asked to speak to the daughter. They always made you feel like you were interrupting there lives with you petty phone call. But not Sara; she would talk to you; and made you feel like an actual person. I called one Sunday night after my first date with Angie because I wanted to see if I could take her out again, but she was not there, she went to Church early for choir practice. But lucky me, Sara answered. Normally I would have asked: “is Angie there?” and then hung up when I found out she was not. But you just don’t get off the phone with Sara that easily. Before I knew what was happening, I had been invited over for cake after Church. My mind was trying to process this. Lets see, I get to go be with this beautiful girl name Angie and eat cake….hmmmm…..I’m IN! But why would a girls parents be so nice to me, I mean I’m hard to get to know and make a bad first impression, why would she ask me to come over? It must be a trap!!! But I went back to Beautiful girl and cake and to make a long story no longer, I went to her house that night a fell in love with not just a Girl but a family. A Family that Sara built.

I look at our family today and I see what Sara has accomplished. Some people will be remembered and their names will be recorded in history books. While the real people that make big difference will not have that honor. Some even say they will be forgotten; but will they? We are all here today because of the people before us, people that lived and loved and passed on themselves to us. We are their legacy. How do we best honor Sara and her legacy, I will get to that. First let me tell you about the family that Sara built.

First off there was Frank, her love for over 59 years. Sara’s job was to be the mouth piece for Frank. I never heard him speak much above a whisper, because Sara took care of that for him. They had been through a lot together; you could see the history in their eyes. But it never crossed their minds to give up or walk away. Because love is patience, love forgives; love is what you cling to when it’s just you two against the world. They were a funny pair, you could go to their house and one would be talking to you about the other and how he or she was driving the other crazy. Frank would do his hand gestures describing Sara’s mouth moving and Sara would tell you about how many times Frank walked up and down the stairs to the basement or stood over her while she did something. But try and take one away from the other or say a cross word to either one of them and see if the other does not jump to their defense. They looked out for one another they were a pair; you can hardly say one of their names with out the other.
Then there is Carolyn.

Next is Angie, she has been called the good sister, the good daughter (and a

This is a Christian family, because Sara was a strong Christian Woman. She was the type of woman that would take her children to church regardless. She did not drop them off or send them on a bus; she took them even if it meant doing it alone. I think what she missed most in these last years was not being able to go to Church, something we take to lightly and for granted.
I could

Sara was more than a mother in law to me; she was a friend I could talk to. I picked on her all the time and she gave me just as good as I sent. From the moment I first met her, she got me. She understood this weird guy and was just trying to make up for his awkwardness by being funny and silly. Thank you Sara, for always making me feel comfortable and at home, I will truly miss our verbal sword play.
When we first moved to Mississippi our parents always came out to visit about every other month. My Mom and Dad would ride with Sara and Frank or visa versa. They all got to be good friend through the years, it made our families closer. As the years went on the visits got fewer and fewer as they got older. That is the worst part about living out of our home state; the visits get fewer from family. Then there is that question; when are you moving back? There is no simple answer; but don’t judge our decision about it until you have walked in our shoes. It hurt every time I had to answer that question when it came from my Mother or Sara, every time. We moved out here thinking the company I was with would move me back in two years. They sold out and I’ve had to change jobs more than I can count; almost twenty years have passed. I would not wish my career on anyone and I hope you never have to live so far away from someone you love so much just to keep a job. These last years I have had to see the hurt in Angie’s eyes beca

For now we will have to try and move on with out her. She has left this womb of time and has been born into a new world, where she will not hurt or feel pain again. But most of all she will now be reunited with the loved ones already there. Our job is to stay behind a carry on with out her and pass on her legacy. How do we honor Sara? By doing our part to see that

P.S. Sara; I’m sorry I broke my promise to you; please understand I could not help it I had to make a living. I could wish we had stayed in Georgia, but look at all the good that happen when we moved. The boys grew up in the country became men and a chain of events lead them to their wives. I know you wanted me to bring Angie home and I failed because I ran out of time. But the day is coming and we will come home to you, then we can be together forever…..I promise.
thanks for posting this