Thursday, June 12, 2008

Destined to Repeat

They say that if we forget history it is destined to repeat it’s self. I believe we have reach that point. Someone came to me and several others standing around and asked “ the depression was after world war 2 wasn’t it? When did WW 2 start any way?” I was taken back and said . "The depression was before WW2 it ran from 1929 after the stock market crash until the late thirties and brought this nation to its knees. And remember Perl Harbor a date the will live in infamy December 12th 1941, jezz man, remember your history"!! How soon we forget, how soon we get comfortable.

I have long believe we are headed to another depression, and this nation will not be able to handle it today. I have nothing to base this on, because I am no economist. It’s just a feeling I have, based on people like the person above and a younger generation that has forgotten where we came from. History is important when it comes to lessons learn, so we don’t repeat our mistakes. It’s kind of like your work, if you made a mistake, that’s fine you learn and move on, but when you repeat the same behavior and get the same mistake and repeat it again and again that’s foolishness. How many nations have gone to war, with nothing gain but death and destruction…..yet we still use war to solve problems. How many civilizations have grown, become a great power, have it all, their people live in prosperity and then they fall and disappear into soon forgotten history.

Lest we forget…. But I would not worry, why should we. We live in a great nation that has it all. We can drive to work in our bigger than life SUV and fill up our tanks at 60 plus dollars a pop. Why walk or ride bikes, that’s beneath us, any way our city planers have long forgot about sidewalks and bike paths. Because who has the time, got to go, got to get to work, got to make money to buy more stuff. And when we do have time to enjoy nature, so we must buzz by it on our four wheelers or fly over the still water on our jet ski. Who has time to walk in the woods and hear a stupid bird sing or a squirrel play in the leafs.

The next depression and why I fear it? Here’s why, we are to soft today. Our little white collar country has sold it’s soul (the crafts and trades and skill that takes hard work) to the rest of the world. Our farmers and farms are no longer family business but corporations. We don’t kill an eat, we buy and consume. My Dad once told me that during the depression if they had not been able to raise there own food and kill there own live stock they would not have survived. You see they were one of the lucky families, they had a farm to move to. They lived in the city when the depression hit and soon lived in poverty. Until my grandmothers father gave them a farm he had and they moved the family to it and work it to keep them in food. But many were not so lucky, the ones that lived in the city. They had to walk and walk from town to town to find work. Our country step in and put many to work. They used those out of work hands to build, national parks, dams and roads, that are still here today.

So, can you imagine having to go out in the back yard wring a chickens neck, dress it and cook it for tonight’s meal. Heck we don’t have the time or energy to cook any more, just stop buy McDonalds on the way home. To soft, to lazy, to busy and to forgetful, we are. Me to, I’m a product of a generation that prospered after WW 2. We boomed into this world and still think we are all that. I’ve watch my generation take it all for granted and it gets worst with each one that follows. I’m sure the same thing happen in Rome, before it burn. Dooms day is coming? Did not mean to say that, we are smart enough today not to let our country, our great nation disappear. We are smarter right? Oh, by the way I had the above date wrong. December 7th 1941 is the date that will live in infamy. I’m so sorry, Mr. Roosevelt, I guess infamy is to short of a time for our memories. I’m so ashamed………

1 comment:

  1. My friend and I were just talking about this the other day. We feel like the same thing will happen. I don't think it will be as bad as the first depression because we learn from history and we'll learn easier then they did how to fix the problem. I think it just comes down to people giving up their luxeries that we've all grown so used to having. If we don't stop buying buying buying and trying to prove to others that we are prospering than we will definetely fall. This is an incredible country where any man can become a King and do whatever they want..we don't have to work 15 hours a day, and no holidays like some other countries. Its all made out for us. But our lust for worldly things never dies...we want to keep having things when we don't make enough money to get them. Good post...any post that can have a comment this long and gets people to think is a good post!
