Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The year is flying by.........

It is September of 2008, can you belive that? When I was a child 2008 would have seem so far off that I would have never dreamed I would have lived that long, yet here I am. The years have flown by, so much has happen, and I have done so little. I had so many dreams when I was younger, few have come true. But I have reached an age now were that does not bother me any more, because I have all I need and far more than I deserve. Now I just want a simple life, the ability and time to enjoy it.

The other day I was up early going to work, I was rushing to get ready because I had gotten up late and was running behind according to a clock (an object that seems to push me so). I ran out the door of my apartment an rush to drop a letter in the mail box. As I went to get in the truck, I saw movement and looked up. A deer was walking down the pavement of the parking lot. When he saw me he moved off to join his friend in the grass. They both watched me (and I watch them) as I drove off. They looked puzzled and I seem to hear them say, where are you going in such a rush? Stay and play, why do you hurry about? Don't you understand God supplies all our needs there is no need to worry.

I wondered, where all did the deer walk that day, what all did they see as I was stuck inside a building at work? Did they see the clouds move across the sky as they laid in the grass to sleep in the warmth of the sun? Did they see a tree fall in the forest as it made a sound no one heard but them? Were they the first to feel the drops of rain as it slowly fell that afternoon and brought freshness to the world outside? Did they live while I existed?

The days rush by, time goes by faster every year, I pray someday for time to explore the questions above, out where no clocks hang on a wall.........

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