It’s time. That was all I heard and I was on my way. The drive seems to take forever, but then I finally got to her. She was waiting, all packed up and ready to go. We greet with a kiss and a smile and within moments we are driving again. We talk about what the future holds and whether we are ready. Is anyone ever truly ready? After an eternity we finally arrive, happy faces greet us. We have rushed to get here, but now we have to wait until the time is right. Family, our wonderful family, is all around, waiting, hoping for the moment we get to see…… Our long wait is over and we see our son. January 16, 1981. Ryan Ashley Williams is born to proud parents and even prouder grandparents. Another generation in a long family history. People come together, fall in love, families blend and the branches of the family tree spread out and the roots grow deeper.
I have long prayed for the future of our family. Since the time my wife spoke the words and told me we were going to have a baby, I have prayed. You see, I have been blessed, not because I’m a good person, for I am far from it. But nonetheless, I have been blessed. So, like Johnny Appleseed, I wanted to spread my blessings and share them with my future family that I knew was on its way. So I prayed.
I prayed that each one of my children would come to know the Lord and would try as best they could to follow Him as he led them throughout their lives…..check!
I prayed that my children would find good Christian wives; the kind of women that would strengthen them as they both walked with the Lord. Check that one off as well.
And I prayed for the children that would come as a product of another generation that met and fell in love. I prayed they, too, would know this Mysterious God and follow his Son as they walked the path ahead of them.
The path ahead? What will it hold indeed……..
2009, the world of tomorrow. A world of change? The only change we can truly hope for is a change in people. Government will never change, countries will never change. People are our only hope for the future. People with a heart of love, a heart of compassion. People with Christ in their hearts that allow Him to live through them. We need more people that walk the walk. We have too many now that just talk the talk.
February 21st. I got the call…'s time. I drove and I picked her up and we drove some more and after an eternity of driving we arrive and our wonderful family is all around with happy faces waiting for news that all is okay. I pace the floor as I did long ago. Then I see him, the happy face of my grown up son. The pure joy on his face brings a tear to my eye for I know the long dark road he has walked to get to this place.
After some time passes and we are assured that my precious daughter-in-law is doing fine, we go to meet the future - a Boy and a Girl that will change our world forever.
Why do I continue to pray? Because I have seen far too many prayers answered to give up now. Just because I prayed, it did not mean they were all answered the way I wanted or in the time I wanted. Most of the time we never get to see our prayers answered at all. "Why?" you ask. Because we walk around with Son glasses that keep our eyes blinded from His light and the miracles all around. We only see what we want to see. So I have been blessed to open my eyes and take the focus off myself for a moment to see that God did answer those prayers all along. We choose to take Him far too lightly and we let His name roll off our tongues without the reverence it deserves at times. But He is still the Alpha and Omega!
One generation ends and another begins.
Benjamin, I have so much I want to show you. Follow me out to the shop and we will make something together while I tell you a story.
Emaline, stop running around for a moment, come and sit on my lap and listen to this old man tell you about another man named Buster.
We have many stories to tell, my wife and I......I pray those little ears listen. They will never meet the ones before them in this life, but they will know them because of the things they left behind and the memories we have to share.
I have long prayed for the future of our family. Since the time my wife spoke the words and told me we were going to have a baby, I have prayed. You see, I have been blessed, not because I’m a good person, for I am far from it. But nonetheless, I have been blessed. So, like Johnny Appleseed, I wanted to spread my blessings and share them with my future family that I knew was on its way. So I prayed.
I prayed that each one of my children would come to know the Lord and would try as best they could to follow Him as he led them throughout their lives…..check!
I prayed that my children would find good Christian wives; the kind of women that would strengthen them as they both walked with the Lord. Check that one off as well.
And I prayed for the children that would come as a product of another generation that met and fell in love. I prayed they, too, would know this Mysterious God and follow his Son as they walked the path ahead of them.
The path ahead? What will it hold indeed……..
2009, the world of tomorrow. A world of change? The only change we can truly hope for is a change in people. Government will never change, countries will never change. People are our only hope for the future. People with a heart of love, a heart of compassion. People with Christ in their hearts that allow Him to live through them. We need more people that walk the walk. We have too many now that just talk the talk.
February 21st. I got the call…'s time. I drove and I picked her up and we drove some more and after an eternity of driving we arrive and our wonderful family is all around with happy faces waiting for news that all is okay. I pace the floor as I did long ago. Then I see him, the happy face of my grown up son. The pure joy on his face brings a tear to my eye for I know the long dark road he has walked to get to this place.
After some time passes and we are assured that my precious daughter-in-law is doing fine, we go to meet the future - a Boy and a Girl that will change our world forever.
Why do I continue to pray? Because I have seen far too many prayers answered to give up now. Just because I prayed, it did not mean they were all answered the way I wanted or in the time I wanted. Most of the time we never get to see our prayers answered at all. "Why?" you ask. Because we walk around with Son glasses that keep our eyes blinded from His light and the miracles all around. We only see what we want to see. So I have been blessed to open my eyes and take the focus off myself for a moment to see that God did answer those prayers all along. We choose to take Him far too lightly and we let His name roll off our tongues without the reverence it deserves at times. But He is still the Alpha and Omega!
One generation ends and another begins.
Benjamin, I have so much I want to show you. Follow me out to the shop and we will make something together while I tell you a story.
Emaline, stop running around for a moment, come and sit on my lap and listen to this old man tell you about another man named Buster.
We have many stories to tell, my wife and I......I pray those little ears listen. They will never meet the ones before them in this life, but they will know them because of the things they left behind and the memories we have to share.
I pray they remember.......
I’m sure they will…………….

It truly is a wonderful world!