Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It’s all about Me, Myself and I

It is a shame that I have to put up with those pesky “other” people. You know the ones I’m talking about, the kind of people that have the nerve to drive on the road at the same time I am. I try to get them to move over out of my way. I ride their bumper flash my lights, it just my way of letting them know (in as nice a way as I can) that their in my fast lane reserved for me. Another thing happens when I go to the store. I go in; no one is at the check out area, and then after I find my purchases and proceed to check out, everyone decides to check out at the same time as I. What’s up with that? Don’t they see it’s me, but I have to stand in line and wait my turn just like everyone else (it’s hard being me). So I decide to pull out my cell phone and make a call, because everyone wants to talk to me as well as hear me talk to others on my phone. The clerk can wait as I talk; besides I don’t have time for pleasant conversation with a stranger, I have my friends to talk to on my phone, (can’t they understand that).

One perk about being me that comes in handy at the store is those nice non marked parking spaces right on the curb in front of the store. I don’t know why more people don’t use them (I guess because they know it’s reserved for me). And if there is not enough curb to park on, I can always use those parking places with the handicap sign. After all it is a handicap if you have to walk as far as those other people to get in the store (no one uses them half the time any way, I mean really how many people in a wheelchair go shopping at the same time).

Another perk I enjoy is people that hold the door open for me, it’s a shame I never have time to return the favor. I have often thought about saying a kind word or maybe a thank you when people do this for me, but my personal life is always so demanding, you know I’m constantly on the phone. I'm sure those people understand, after all it’s me.

When I go to church I pray for all the bad people, that God would bless them and make them more like me (if I have time left in my prayer after I get through asking that all my needs are met). I would give more at church, but I like to know were my moneys going. I like to make sure it will benefit to me if I going to give, It’s just good stewardship. I make it a point to help others when I can, as long as they believe like me.

About me and my home life, I know you want to know, after all this is about me. My pet is more important to me than most people, because my pet is nicer than humans! Don’t you find that to be true? My pet gives me so much love. So I feed it, give it a place to live, pick up it's poop and pet it all the time (I don’t have time to treat people that nice). Another nice thing about pets (at least mine anyway), they always lick their little butts clean after they do there little business, always licking themselves clean. I like it when they lick my face in appreciation for all I do. They deserve a nice kiss on the mouth don’t you think?

I have come up with a list of things I think people should understand about me;
#1: When I am sick, no one is sicker!
#2: Number one also goes for my family! (So I should always get top priority at Doctors offices, hospitals and pharmacy)
#3: When I’m talking, what I am saying supersedes any drivel that comes out of your mouth!
#4: Nothing is more important than what I am doing at any given time!

Oh enough of that I don’t have time for list I have got better things to do. Let me just sum it up for you. It’s my world I hope you can learn to live in it! What a wonderful world this would be if only more people could be like me!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Divided, we never get any thing done.

If people could learn to work together we would be surprise at what we could accomplish, but we don’t. Why? I don’t know I’m asking you! So if you don’t know either then here are my ramblings on the subject. It is a divine design less we think too much of ourselves, and think we are god. Ever read the Tower of Bable story…….I read it as a kid in my picture bible and thought more about it then, but as an adult I just gloss over it when I reading through. But we need to give it a think…….

Genesis 11:1-9 (New International Version)
1 Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 2 As men moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there.
3 They said to each other, "Come, let's make bricks and bake them thoroughly." They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 4 Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth."
5 But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building. 6 The LORD said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other."
8 So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. 9 That is why it was called Babel because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

We (God’s creation) like to think we can do anything and we can, but not with out God. That is our problem we like to get the credit and praise because we are our own little god we like to worship. If we as a world could come together and put or minds to it we could end so much wrong in the world. But we can’t because we are to busy looking at and pointing out our differences and fighting over it, that we do nothing. As our world gets smaller in these modern times and we are brought together more, we have done wonderful things, but greed has kept it from benefiting anyone. So we babble on and do nothing….just as planed so long ago.

So why does the church (believers in one God) not do more for this world? If we could come together, work together, and follow the great commission…..how much wonderful work could we do for God? But we don’t. Why? Once again if you have no answer I will chime in. Well I believe the one we battle against has done his own thing to confuse the church and keep us divide. The Body of Christ which should be one church is divided up into denominations. We each have what we believe and focus on that, instead of what we have in common….Christ! I don’t know how it happened and I have often wondered. How the Church in Acts, which work together and had all things in common, through the years got to be the First (insert denomination) Church of the what ever section of town it’s in. The devil did it…….well I don’t know for sure, but he is the author of confusion. So you have to be careful and make sure you’re not confused. And the best way to do that is this. Read the bible for your self! Pray as you read! And let the Holy Spirit speak to you and guide you to a church were you can be of service.

The Church is not only your local denomination, or mega feel good church of non committal. There is only one body of Christ, His church because this body BELIEVES He is the Son of God and salvation comes only through HIM! There is only one Church and if it could focus on what we agree on and stop auguring about what we disagree on, what a wonderful world it would be…..for GOD!

All Christians have God in Common and this we can share with others….....
Changing the world is as easy as reaching to the person beside you!